``We can never get a re-creation of community and heal our society without giving our citizens a sense of belonging.``
Patch Adams
2014 At A Glance

The Source Savanna-la-Mar – 134 events were held at the Source Savanna-la-Mar facility, which generated $983,295 in revenues for the social enterprise.

3,9975 unique visits attended events at The Source, Savanna-la-Mar.
The Source Overview
The Source is an innovative twist on a community centre. The concept is based on the social enterprise model and each location is connected to the pulse and needs of the community. The Source offers a combination of business and social services that are designed to transform the space that it calls home.
From online literacy and numeracy programmes; to reference libraries and internet access; conference room facilities; to a home for business incubators, these features and facilities can be found at each Source. As a social enterprise franchise, every dollar earned is put back into the re-generation of income or the provision of services.
Although an initiative of the JN Foundation, SOURCE centres continue to be enriched through partnerships with public and private organisations that allow them to operate successfully and independently of their cornerstone partner long after the foundation has been set.
There are currently five main centres and three Source Learning Business Centres in Jamaica. The five main centres are the UWI Mona Source, located in Kingston, The Source St. Ann by SACC, The BREDS Source, in St. Elizabeth, The Source Maverly, located in and The Source Savanna-la-Mar.

The Source at a Glance
Typically used to shore up lagging resources and a lack of facilities; community centres have become a pivotal resource to many underserved communities. However, their reliance on grants and fundraising makes them vulnerable to economic volatility. This poses a challenge, as in resource-stretched economies like Jamaica, such spaces are critical for providing access to key goods and services for large swathes of people.
Anecdotal evidence from the Source underscores the importance of these centres. In several instances, the Source was the only access to the internet for miles, despite the fact that globally, access to the internet is almost regarded as a basic human right. For others, it has become the first choice for childcare, GSAT preparation and adult development.
The social enterprise business model on which the chain is based can provide a stream of income that can sustain the franchise for years to come.
The UWI Mona Source
“A is the first letter in the alphabet, and so you should start with us,” quipped Kenneth Wilson, who was hoping to jostle August Town into the coveted “numero uno” position. He wanted August Town to be the launch pad for The Source social enterprise model, and his desire was brought into reality. THE SOURCE August Town fittingly became the prototype for the franchise, which is designed to connect communities with innovation and to solve social challenges.
From the sharing of the concept to the SOURCE’s construction, and its current operations, August Town residents have had a voice and an input. Their enthusiasm was channelled into sweat equity, with members coming out in their numbers to assist with the building process and on paint days, while their interest was channelled into buy-in so that even years later, every aspect of the location’s operations, including pricing, is offered as a response to a community need unearthed through community consultations, surveys, and discussions.
Established in 2007, the venture has been an agent of change. Its modernity brought a new wave of innovation and focus to a previously underserved area, bringing with it a cost-effective internet café, a reference library for students, a children’s club, a JobPlacement programme, as well as access to JAMBIC and financial services from the JN Bank. Since then, organisations such as Father’s Inc., Restorative Justice and UWI MONA Township Project have taken note and followed suit.
After four years of management under the JN Foundation, the AUGUST TOWN SOURCE was handed over to the UWI MONA Township project on August 9, 2011 and is now known as THE UWI MONA SOURCE.
Marverly by JAA
Pioneered by the JN Foundation, a sponsorship of $6.5 million from the Jamaica Automobile Association and a partnership between the Social Development Commission and the Maverly Consultative Committee, contributed, to the establishment of The Source Maverly, from concept to reality.
The moment that the agreement was inked, community consultations began. Engaging with students, residents and community organisations early in the proceedings meant that even before the first can of paint was purchased, the residents already had a stake in its outcome.
Community workdays were vibrant and productive. The heightened energy and goodwill were contagious and the momentum resulted in the speedy completion of The Source, Marvely. The Maverly Flowers Park, the home of The Source Maverly, was also cleaned-up and since then has been maintained by community volunteers. On January 12, 2009, The Source Maverly opened its doors for the first time. Years later, the reason for its existence and the reason for its success remain unchanged as it continues to inspire community development.
BREDS Source
Out of a partnership between the Treasure Beach Foundation (BREDS) and the JN Foundation, the BREDS Source was created. It was launched in April 2009 by then Member of Parliament and Minister of Agriculture, Christopher Tufton. The BREDS Source was built at a cost of J$3.5 million, with another J$1 million for operational support.
Since then, the BREDS Source has been the go-to spot for residents and visitors to the area. The community loves the accessibility of internet, fax and photocopy services. Everyone loves the fact that it is simply a great spot to hang out and meet old and new friends.
The Source St. Ann
The St. Ann Chamber of Commerce’s Source St. Ann takes business seriously. Like the other locations, it supports s the members of its community, which in this instance are the business people and entrepreneurs of Ocho Rios.
In 2008, the JN Foundation recognised that one of the most meaningful ways that it could have an impact here would be to focus on the micro, small and medium enterprises community. On July 10, 2008, a Memorandum of Understanding outlining the terms of the partnership was signed by the St. Ann Chamber of Commerce and the JN Foundation. By June 2009, the centre was completed. The Source St Ann was launched by the then Minister of Commerce and Trade, the Honourable Karl Samuda, Earl Jarrett, General Manager of JNBS and Valerie Viera, Director of the Jamaica Business Development Centre.
As the home of both the St. Ann Chamber of Commerce and JAMBIC, it operates as a virtual office and a point of contact for the Chamber of Commerce members while offering an extensive range of business-support services to all who come through its doors. From this location, JAMBIC provides guidance to entrepreneurs in the following areas: business plan writing, business planning, business registration, business workshops, basic book keeping/accounting, marketing & advertising, preparation of business with tax among others.
The Source Savana-la-mar
An application for computer funding from the Y’s Mennettes Service Club inspired an idea to create a space that would reshape the expectations and experiences of the feuding communities that surround Barracks Road in the parish of Westmoreland.
The Source Savanna-la-Mar stands tall today as a result of the support of the residents of the community and other stakeholders, such as the Ministry of National Security’s Citizens, Security and Justice Programme (CSJP), the Digicel Foundation, the Social Development Corporation (SDC), the Universal Access Fund, the Sugar Transformation Unit (STU), the Y’s Menettes and the Y’s Men’s Club.