
Monetise Your Talent During COVID-19 – Miller

FINANCIAL LITERACY expert Rose Miller is encouraging persons who have lost their jobs as a result of COVID-19 to look at ways to monetise their skills, to assist in earning an income.

“We all have gifts. Try and identify if there is a gift that you can use to earn an income. In fact, even while we are employed now, we do need more than one stream of income. Therefore, if we have a gift or talent, the aim should be to monetise that gift or talent to provide or boost your income,” she advised.

Miller, who is also the grants manager at the JN Foundation, gave this advice while addressing a ‘JN Circle Catch-Up’ session, a video series of conversations about how Jamaicans can come together to overcome various challenges associated with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

She encouraged persons to identify existing needs and seek to fill those gaps to earn an income. She noted that with the current high demand for masks and sanitisers, for example, several persons and companies have either entered into these markets, or diversified their product line to take advantage of the opportunities.

“We need to be creative and think outside of the box, because there are opportunities, and we should find the vision to tap into them,” she said.

To date, many persons have lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The local tourism industry, which is has been hit hardest, accounts for some nine per cent of the country’s gross domestic product

The JN Foundation grants manager recommended that persons use the downtime presented by the pandemic to upskill and retrain themselves. She noted that there are numerous online courses currently being offered, which anyone can access free of cost.

“We are going to come out of COVID-19, therefore now is the time to retrain.”

Miller also encouraged Jamaicans to visit the JN Group’s website, www.jngroup.com/covid-19help, for information about how The JN Group is assisting persons to respond to COVID-19, and watch upcoming segments of the JN Circle Catch-Up series, which will focus on coping during the pandemic. The series is broadcasted via Facebook Live weekly on The Jamaica National Group’s Facebook page at 6 p.m.

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Be Wise: Become Financially Literate During COVID-19 Pandemic

THE RISE in cases of COVID-19 has already caused economic fallout across the globe, and the forecast is for the situation to worsen. Efforts to contain the spread of the highly infectious disease have caused a surge in business closures, resulting in the loss of jobs in a variety of industries, including tourism and hospitality, which comprise hotels, restaurants and bars. Airlines and business process outsourcing facilities have also been affected.

Rose Miller, head of the JN BeWi$e Empowerment Programme, said consequently, the number of Jamaicans feeling the financial strain in the short and medium term is significant and likely to climb even further as the real impact of the pandemic unfolds in the months ahead.

The Ministry of Finance and the Public Service has revealed that it received just under 500,000 applications for the various financial assistance packages for Jamaicans facing financial hardship as a result of COVID-19.

“This is not surprising,” remarked Miller. “Many Jamaicans were living from pay cheque to pay cheque even before the pandemic. This means they have little or no savings to cover unexpected expenses. A crisis of this proportion only makes matters worse.”

She noted that while the Government has implemented several initiatives, including the COVID-19 Allocation of Resources for Employees programme, designed to cushion the economic impact of the pandemic and to put cash in the hands of the most vulnerable, receiving one-time payments is only a short-term solution.

“It is a time for everyone to ensure that they are making wise financial decisions. Further, this is why financial education is so important for a nation,” she said. “It is this awareness and practice that will help Jamaicans to successfully manoeuvre the financial landscape, which can be quite complex during times like these.”

Miller said that with April being observed as Financial Literacy Month, it is an opportune time to focus on the importance of financial literacy and to provide practical ways to help people cope.

Miller, who is also grants manager at the JN Foundation, is reminding Jamaicans to revisit the idea of using a budget. “This is an effective money-management tool which can help us achieve our financial goals. For many facing hardship imposed by the current pandemic, the goal right now is simply to be able to purchase food and pay existing bills,” she said.

The financial education expert suggested a few steps people can take right now to manage their budget wisely, while awaiting a return to something like normality.

She informed that there are two sides to budgeting: income and expenses. “The first step in crafting a budget at this time is for persons to assess whether the household income has been affected by job loss, lay-off or reduced hours, all of which would reduce the amount of money the family has to spend,” she advised.

“This will give you an idea of how deeply you’ll need to cut your budget. Though it’s not an ideal situation, succeeding financially through this crisis demands a lifestyle adjustment to the new realities, such as cutting down or cutting out certain expenses altogether to stay afloat. Therefore, a realistic family budget should be a critical part of your coronavirus response strategy,” she stated.

Miller noted that for people who were able to put away some savings and create an emergency fund, they can now tap into this resource. “Ideally, you should have an emergency fund that can cover three to six months’ worth of expenses. If you have other forms of investments, these can also be used to shore up your income.”

The JN manager further advised persons to prioritise their spending to take care of the needs of the family. “Start with what’s likely your biggest expense, which is housing. If you’re a homeowner, there may be a silver lining amid the coronavirus crisis, in that many mortgage lenders are offering their customers relief at this time.”

Miller advised persons with outstanding mortgages to reach out to their lenders. “They can walk you through what your options are for reducing or suspending your mortgage payments temporarily. It is a good idea to accept this assistance, as it will boost your cash flow.”

Another consideration is for homeowners to refinance their home loan. She said that with mortgage loan rates at or nearing historic lows, it may be an opportune time for persons to refinance their mortgage at a lower rate. “That should curtail the monthly payments and save you money on housing costs,” she explained.

Miller said renters may not have the same level of flexibility. “Ideally, you should continue meeting this obligation to avoid eviction, but if you can’t because your income has taken a hard hit, speak with your landlord to see what arrangements can be made.”

She added, “As everyone tries to cope with the current crisis, having a good level of financial awareness and knowledge will be beneficial to navigate the financial spaces by seeking various solutions to help you weather this financial storm.”

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JN Establishes Welfare Fund To Ease COVID-19 Burden

THE JAMAICA National Group has established a member welfare fund to ease the burden for its members and customers who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jamaica National Group CEO Earl Jarrett made the announcement of the fund while addressing a ‘JN Circle Catch-Up’, a video series of conversations about how Jamaicans can come together to overcome the deadly pandemic.

“We have identified funds which will be delivered through the JN Circle network and their membership, who will determine how these funds will be used in respective communities,” he explained.

Jarrett said the fund will be administered by the JN Foundation and will seek to address the needs of members in the 13 communities across the island where the JN Circle chapters are located.

“It could be supporting an individual, a cause, the community itself, or for sanitisers, masks for the police. These are things which the JN Circles can respond to through the pool of funds that will be made available to their clubs,” he explained.

The JN Circle is a network of clubs, comprised of JN members and customers of the JN Group. It was introduced in August 2019 and allows members and customers, who share JN’s values, to take action to improve outcomes for themselves and fellow Jamaicans.

“This initiative helps us to ensure we respond to the unique needs of our members,” said Claudine Allen, member ombudsman. “JN’s intervention will be relevant to each community and will reflect the will of our members and customers.”

In addition to the welfare fund, Jarrett said that the JN Group will also seek to improve the financial awareness of members.

“As we go through the period of this pandemic, our people also need to plan financially. We have seen some hotels close their doors, and many persons are worried about their jobs. Therefore, what we are seeking to do is assist persons to understand that even in this situation, there are things that they can do to manage the crisis,” he said.


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A Walk Down St Catherine’s History

Parish Histories of Jamaica Project, a publication by the JN Foundation in collaboration with the Department of History and Archaeology at The University of the West Indies, Mona, was launched recently.

Jenny Jemmott of Department of History and Archaeology is the lead researcher and writer. Jemmott was assisted by colleagues and graduate students in compiling the information.

History of St Catherine highlights Mountain River Cave in Cudjoe Hill in St Catherine, a natural heritage site, which was declared a National Monument by the Jamaica National Heritage Trust in 2003.

In fact, it is home to the largest collection of Taino rock paintings or pictographs in Jamaica and one of the largest collections of pre-Columbian art in the entire Caribbean.

Exploration of the cave can be done after trekking for a mile and a half through rugged terrain and climbing on to steep rocks meandering the river, which is only managed by those who are fit and not faint of heart.

First reported in 1897 by J. F. Dueden, the Mountain River Cave, exact location, according to information from the Jamaica National Heritage Trust, which manages the heritage site, was pinpointed by J.W. Lee, with the assistance of Robert Cooper, whose family owned the land.

The national monument was acquired by the Archaeological Society of Jamaica in 1976, which developed the site, and it was presented to the JNHT as a gift in 1982. A relatively small cave measuring 100 feet in length and 30 feet in depth, it can be a disappointment to those with high expectations of extensive exploration, particularly after making the trek for almost two hours.

The embodiment of the Tainos’ history etched into the rocks and the immense heritage value of the cave will, however, compensate for that disappointment.

Jemmott says that Mountain River Cave is one of many highlights in the history of St Catherine, adding that the parish has several Taino sites.

“St Catherine has many Taino sites where the first Jamaicans chose to live. Only four other parishes – St Ann, St Elizabeth, and St Mary – have more sites than St Catherine,” she said.

Other highlights of the history of the parish are its historical landmark, a giant silk cotton tree – Tom Cringle’s Cotton Tree, which for more than 300 years stood on the roadside across from the Ferry until it collapsed in 1971.

“That tree was also of great cultural and religious significance to the Tainos and to Africans, both enslaved and free,” Jemmott said.

However, the parish has prominent historical buildings and structures.

Spanish Town, the old capital of Jamaica, has numerous buildings that are of great historic and heritage value. It has been declared a Historic District and a National Monument by the Jamaica National Heritage Trust.

“King’s House in Emancipation Square was the venue for the reading of the Emancipation Proclamation, on August 1, 1838, and was the destination to which Paul Bogle and his supporters marched in 1865,” she said.

Also enriching the parish’s cultural heritage is the importance of Leonard Howell’s Pinnacle and the rise of the Rastafari; St Catherine is home to The People’s Museum of Craft and Technology, which contains cultural reminders about how St Catherine’s small farmers lived and worked in 19th-century Jamaica.

Jemmott further pointed out that the history of the parish could not be penned without highlighting its agricultural activities. She said that the narrative shows how the Rio Cobre Irrigation Scheme and the Rio Cobre Dam transformed agriculture in the parish.

The historical account underscores the importance of the Rio Cobre Dam and the Bog Walk Power House in the provision of hydroelectric power, which was important not only to St Catherine, but also to the operation of the Tram Car system (early transport) throughout Jamaica.

“It is also important to note the contribution to agricultural growth and diversification made by the freed people who were the small farmers in St Catherine in the post-slavery 19th century,” she added.

“We have completed five parish histories since the project commenced in 2015. These parishes are Portland, St Thomas, St Mary, Trelawny, and most recently, St Catherine,” said Onyka Barrett Scott, general manager of the JN Foundation.

She said that two more parishes are expected to be completed this year.

“We are hoping that by 2021, all 14 parishes would have been written and made accessible. Not only have we captured the historical facts of these parishes, but also the oral history through conversations with senior citizens living in these parishes,” she informed.

History of St Catherine can be found at www.historyjamaica.org.


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Early Childhood Facility Receives Therapeutic Play Area

Bright, broad smiles and peals of laughter emanated from the students of the St. Elizabeth Early Childhood Education and Therapeutic Centre in Santa Cruz, St Elizabeth, as they enjoyed play time in a new therapeutic play area, which was constructed courtesy of the JN Bank Member Advisory Council (MAC), in Santa Cruz.

The play area, outfitted with a monkey bar, slide, seesaw and a swing, was officially handed over to the centre on February 4. The centre caters to children with disabilities, therefore, the play area enables the youngsters to develop a higher level of interaction, through structured play, in a safe and secure environment.

Madge Sanderson, centre manager of the institution, in expressing her appreciation for the gift, underscored that the play area was important, as it facilitates the development of the children.

“We were not able to have our children playing as we would want them to, as play for them is therapy. Therefore, now that we have these equipment, they will help them in their development, balance and cognition, as well as, to build their muscles,” she said.

The centre caters to 20 students with disabilities, such as: cerebral palsy, intellectual challenges, speech defects, autism, microcephaly (a medical condition where the child is born with a small head); and hydrocephalus (a medical defect where the child is born with a large head). In addition, there are 60 additional students who benefit from home visits.

Lorna Sinclair, business relationship and sales manager for St Elizabeth at JN Bank said that due to financial challenges experienced by the institution and the need to assist students with disabilities, JN Bank MAC decided to help.

“When we visited the school, we recognised that there was a need. Yes, the students do have disabilities, however, we do not want them to be cloaked up inside every day, all day long. They needed to be outside playing and enjoying the sunlight. With the new play area, now they are more active,” she informed.

Mrs Sinclair stated that the financial institution also engaged community members, not only through the provision of financial services, but also by investing and building the communities and having an enabling presence in the communities.

Children between the ages of one to 16 years are enrolled at the centre and they are from the communities of Santa Cruz, Burnt Savanna; Knoxwood, Pepper, Goshen Middle Quarters, Waterloo Community and New Market.

Established in 2006, the centre initially started doing home visits to children who resided in nearby communities, who were physically challenged. Ms Sanderson informed that this approach to therapy was not productive, therefore, the administration recognised that more contact time was needed with the youngsters.

Eventually, a school offered services for three days per week and since November last year, it has been operating five days per week due to additional funding.

The JN Bank MAC, formerly known as the “Branch Advisory Councils,” were established in 2006, to provide JN members with the opportunity to engage directly in the identification and selection of projects to positively impact negative issues in their communities.
Over the years, the MACs have implemented numerous worthy projects in communities across the country. With the establishment of the JN Circle, the activities of the MAC will now be subsumed into the JN Circle, a national network of service clubs. The new entities are empowered by The Jamaica National Group to advocate for change and strengthen the communities in which its bank and other JN corporate entities are located.

Contact:  Dionne Rose l JN Corporate Communications l JN Bank

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Candle in the Dark Continues to Burn for the Homeless Centre

Alethia Peart (second right), business relationship and sales manager for Mandeville presents donation cheque to Wendy Freckleton (second left), chairman of the Centre. Sharing in the moment are (from left) His Excellency Anton Ojala, New Zealand High Commissioner to Jamaica: Donovan Lennox (partially hidden), secretary of Candle in the Dark Ministries; Venessa Dillion-Hendricks, JN client relations officer; Dr. Bridgette Barrett, local coordinator New Zealand Embassy Fund and Garfield Green, Custos of Manchester.

Registered charity organisation, Candle in the Dark Care Centre, which caters to the needs of the homeless in Mandeville, Manchester and its surrounding environs, had its infrastructural capacity expanded, courtesy of the JN Bank Member Advisory Council (MAC).

Chairman of the Centre, Wendy Freckleton, said assistance was also provided by JN Fund Managers and JN Small Business Loans, member companies of The Jamaica National Group, as well as other organisations. This, she said, has allowed the charity to complete construction of the upper level of the shelter’s existing structure, which will provide a temporary dormitory during the rehabilitation of the homeless men and women who have been victims of abuse.

“Their contribution was able helped to construct the shelter, which is now almost completed,” she informed, noting that it has also been tiled and doors and rails to the shelter installed.

At the Candle in the Dark Care Centre, two meals per day are delivered to over 50 clients between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. These persons include drug addicts, ex-convicts, the mentally challenged, the poor and the destitute.

In addition, they enjoy separate bathing facilities and are provided with a change of clothing and footwear, wherever possible. During the meals, the clients are ministered to spiritually, emotionally and mentally.

“What we are doing at Candle in the Dark Care Centre is take care of the poor, indigent and the homeless. We have fortunate to have the facility where we can serve the poor and destitute of the community,” she said.

Alethia Peart, business relationship and sales manager for Mandeville, said that JN Bank and its member companies were happy to assist the organisation.

“The Candle in the Dark Care Centre should be commended for the work it has been doing over the years in assisting the homeless. The Jamaica National Group is proud to have assisted in expanding the structure of facility. There is no doubt that it will be beneficial to the homeless,” she said.

Candle in the Dark is an organisation which was started 25 years ago by Dr Arthur Reid and his late wife, Jennifer. As ministers of religion, spiritual and emotional sustenance were included as a hallmark of the service to the homeless.

Since 2004, they have cemented the organisation’s home at Caledonia Road with a building provided by Kiwanis International after a 49-year lease-deal made with the National Land Agency.

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Hague Brings Musical ‘Peace’ to Students

 Students from Hague Primary and Infant School show off the instruments.

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” – Plato, Athenian philosopher.

That was the intention of Dameian Elvin, principal of the Hague Primary and Infant School, when he solicited the assistance of the JN Bank Member Advisory Council (MAC) to procure musical instruments for the school, which is located in Falmouth, Trelawny.

“We are located in a diverse community, hence, we have children from informal settlements and the middle class. Therefore, we believe that music would be the ultimate instrument to bridge that divide. By bringing the children into one space and showing them that life is limitless, in terms of the opportunities that music offers,” he related.

Mr Elvin said the gift was timely, as, over the past three years, his staff members have been exploring how they can improve the contributions to inspire the children, and music was one of the suggestions which emerged.

“We decided that we would go out on a limb, to determine how best we could impact the lives of our children and change their outlook in terms of music,” he said.

The principal said he was happy when JN Bank came on board and assisted the school with the initiative. The school received guitars, drums, and a xylophone, and various other instruments.

Marshalee Walcott- Lawrence (left), credit writer, JN Financial Services, Catherine Hall shakes hands with Dameian Elvin, principal of the Hague Primary and Infant School after handing over music instruments to the school in Trelawny, recently. The instruments were presented to the school under the JN Bank Member Advisory Council.

The students were ecstatic about the instruments, Mr Elvin related and he is hopeful that this intervention will assist to change their mind-set.

“Once they begin to tap into music, it is as if they will automatically begin to think and act differently; hence, we believe that this is an opportunity to touch the lives of these children,” he said.

Established in 2005, the institution has been holding its own, in terms of academics and the performing arts; and last year, was the national champion of the Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica’s Jingle Competition.

With a school population of 1,090, Hague Primary and Infant School serves the communities of Rock, Falmouth, Zion, Martha Brae and other surrounding areas.

Nina Peters, business relationship and sales manager for JN Bank Catherine Hall and Falmouth branches, said the JN Bank MAC was happy to partner with the institution.

“The Member Advisory Council, which transitioned into the JN Circle, donated musical instruments to Hague Primary and Infant School. That was indeed a feel-good moment for us here in Falmouth. Already, we are seeing success emerging from our donation to the school and the community at large; and it is our hope that music will continue to have a positive influence on their future,” she said.

The JN Bank MAC, formerly known as the “Branch Advisory Councils,” were established in 2006, to provide JN members with the opportunity to engage directly in the identification and selection of projects, to positively impact negative issues in the communities where they are located.

Over the years, the MACs implemented numerous projects in communities across the country. Today, with the establishment of the JN Circle, the activities of the MAC will be subsumed into the JN Circle, a national network of service clubs. These clubs are empowered by Jamaica National to advocate for change and strengthen the communities in which its bank and other JN corporate entities operate.

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Early Childhood Facility Receives Therapeutic Play Area

Teachers and representatives of the JN Bank Member Advisory Council watch students enjoy the swing during play time at the school.

Bright, broad smiles and peals of laughter emanated from the students of the St. Elizabeth Early Childhood Education and Therapeutic Centre in Santa Cruz, St Elizabeth, as they enjoyed play time in a new therapeutic play area, which was constructed courtesy of the JN Bank Member Advisory Council (MAC), in Santa Cruz.

The play area, outfitted with a monkey bar, slide, seesaw and a swing, was officially handed over to the centre on February 4. The centre caters to children with disabilities, therefore, the play area enables the youngsters to develop a higher level of interaction, through structured play, in a safe and secure environment.

Equipment that were donated to the school by the JN Bank Member Advisory Council.

Madge Sanderson, centre manager of the institution, in expressing her appreciation for the gift, underscored that the play area was important, as it facilitates the development of the children.

“We were not able to have our children playing as we would want them to, as play for them is therapy. Therefore, now that we have these equipment, they will help them in their development, balance and cognition, as well as, to build their muscles,” she said.

The centre caters to 20 students with disabilities, such as: cerebral palsy, intellectual challenges, speech defects, autism, microcephaly (a medical condition where the child is born with a small head); and hydrocephalus (a medical defect where the child is born with a large head). In addition, there are 60 additional students who benefit from home visits.

Lorna Sinclair, business relationship and sales manager for St Elizabeth at JN Bank said that due to financial challenges experienced by the institution and the need to assist students with disabilities, JN Bank MAC decided to help.

Lorna Sinclair (right), business relationship and sales manager for St Elizabeth at JN Bank and Madge Sanderson, centre manager of the St. Elizabeth Early Childhood Education and Therapeutic Centre in Santa Cruz, St Elizabeth enjoy play time with students at the school.

“When we visited the school, we recognised that there was a need. Yes, the students do have disabilities, however, we do not want them to be cloaked up inside every day, all day long. They needed to be outside playing and enjoying the sunlight. With the new play area, now they are more active,” she informed.

Mrs Sinclair stated that the financial institution also engaged community members, not only through the provision of financial services, but also by investing and building the communities and having an enabling presence in the communities.

Children between the ages of one to 16 years are enrolled at the centre and they are from the communities of Santa Cruz, Burnt Savanna; Knoxwood, Pepper, Goshen Middle Quarters, Waterloo Community and New Market.

Established in 2006, the centre initially started doing home visits to children who resided in nearby communities, who were physically challenged. Ms Sanderson informed that this approach to therapy was not productive, therefore, the administration recognised that more contact time was needed with the youngsters.

Eventually, a school offered services for three days per week and since November last year, it has been operating five days per week due to additional funding.

The JN Bank MAC, formerly known as the “Branch Advisory Councils,” were established in 2006, to provide JN members with the opportunity to engage directly in the identification and selection of projects to positively impact negative issues in their communities.

Over the years, the MACs have implemented numerous worthy projects in communities across the country. With the establishment of the JN Circle, the activities of the MAC will now be subsumed into the JN Circle, a national network of service clubs. The new entities are empowered by The Jamaica National Group to advocate for change and strengthen the communities in which its bank and other JN corporate entities are located.

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More Protection For Children Along Holland Bamboo Avenue

Road-safety infrastructure installed at a section along Holland Bamboo Avenue, in St. Elizabeth, has been effective in better safeguarding the lives of residents living in the area.

In an interview with JIS News, Principal of Holland Primary School, Simone Doctor, said the amenities have been particularly beneficial to students at the institution.

“Anything that has to do with school development and the development of the children, I am always on board. So, all of the amenities and facilities that have been put in place, the children are utilising and they are keeping them safe all around,” Mrs. Doctor said.

The road-safety infrastructure includes a small bridge, sidewalks, laybys, and school-safety and speed-limit signs. They were installed as part of the 2019 Labour Day activities where Holland Primary School was among four institutions selected as national projects by the Labour Day Secretariat.

“The children are appreciative, because they know it is an exact location for them to stand. So, where the sidewalks are, that is where they stand to take vehicles,” Mrs. Doctor explained.

“The [speed] sign has been posted, and right now it is 30 km. Also, rumble strips have been installed on either side of the pedestrian crossing. So, those rumble strips would give the drivers warning to say that you are coming up on a pedestrian crossing, so slow down,” she added.

The Principal said that some sheds at the laybys would be welcome additions to further benefit the school and community.

One resident, Marsha Wilson, told JIS News that the community is grateful for the road-safety infrastructure.

“We feel very good because a long time we want it,” she said, noting that she also has a son and a niece attending Holland Primary School.

“Before, it was very chaotic because the children never had any sidewalk. So, we are glad we get the sidewalks,” she added.


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Growth & Jobs | Help Your Children To Become Financially Literate

Rose Miller, grants manager at the JN Foundation, is recommending that parents inculcate financial awareness in their children at an early age.

“It is essential for raising a child,” she insisted. “Teaching children how to become financially aware at an early age will help to develop in them good money-management skills and other habits which will help them throughout their lives”.

The JN grants manager, who has responsibility for the foundation’s BeWise financial empowerment programme, posits that from an early age, children should be exposed to financial literacy as it helps them to understand the value of money.

“It helps them to understand how to earn it and grow it, manage it, and generally how they can navigate the financial arena, which can be quite intimidating.

“Our young children are like sponges; and their creative minds are constantly picking up new traits. Therefore, it is the best time to inculcate excellent saving habits,” she pointed out.

Miller explained that these saving habits should be actionable. This requires parental involvement. Opening a savings account for their children is one way parents can kick-start their children’s journey to financial independence.

The JN Foundation grants manager said that the opening of a savings account is a demonstration of a commitment to the process and that the action will have positive, far-reaching implications for families in the future.

10-10-80 FORMULA
“Parents could start by purchasing a ‘saving pan’, or repurposing any suitable receptacle, such as a large plastic water bottle, where their children can deposit their spare change.

“As children get older they can be introduced to the 10-10-80 formula, which recommends that they save 10 per cent of any money they receive. This practice is a solid way to ensure financial security when they become adults,” she advised

She continued: “Teach your child the concept of disciplined saving by ensuring that they add to their savings regularly; teach them that in the long run, consistency will pay big dividends. They should also be encouraged to have a saving goal and to be committed to that goal and not dip into their savings prematurely. Move money from their savings pan to their bank account at intervals,” Miller advised.

She said children can also be taught the concept of delayed gratification by encouraging them to save towards achieving personal goals and objectives, such as expensive toys, gifts for friends/family, and entertainment outings.

“It is perfectly appropriate to add to your children’s savings effort, using the opportunity to teach them how interest on savings is calculated.”

Miller stated that parents can also help to expand their children’s knowledge base on finance by spending time watching educational videos about financial literacy with their children on websites and on YouTube.

“There are also many books which can be accessed free of cost on the Internet. Over time, children will become more financially savvy, and will naturally elevate their conversation from saving to investing as they become aware that investing is where real wealth is created,” she underscored.

The JN Foundation’s BeWise financial empowerment team leader also pointed out that along with financial literacy, it is important for parents to prepare financially for their children’s education.

“As you plan for their training, you should also make the necessary preparations for them to access tertiary education. If parents succeed in these two areas, they would have provided their children with a solid platform to not only enable their own financial security, but also by extension, the financial success of the country,” she explained.

Miller asserts that as the level of financial literacy increases, the level of financial inclusion in the society will increase, which will have a positive impact on the economy.


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