UWI professor says maternity leave should be extended to six months

The head of the Tropical Metabolism Research Unit (TMRU), at The University of the West Indies (UWI), Mona is recommending that maternity leave be extended from three months to six months.
Professor Marvin Reid said the extension would allow lactating mothers to exclusively breast feed their babies for at least six months, as recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO).
“I agree with you that the maternity leave, as currently constructed in law, is relatively too short; and thoughts need to be given to have it extended. Thought also needs to be given to creating an enabling environment, which purports proper nutrition of the infant; and encourages breast feeding, as much as we can, in the work place,” he said.
Reid made the recommendation, as he responded to a question from a participant in the Dudley Grant Memorial Trust Early Childhood Development Conference, held at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, recently.
This followed his presentation of recent research findings by the TMRU which revealed that several mothers reported that they did not exclusively breastfeed for six weeks. He stated that the data was drawn from six weeks of clinics, at health facilities across the country.
“Roughly half of the women reported exclusively breastfeeding their infants at six weeks, when interviewed which is bad,” he said; and pointed out that, “This was an infringement on the rights of the child to proper nutrition.”
He said the TMRU went a bit further, by doing an objective measurement of breast feeding, to test the accuracy of reported data through a small sized sample, conducted in rural Manchester; and which showed that two thirds of the women were exclusively breastfeeding at six weeks.
However, a similar experiment in the Corporate Area showed that only about one third of women were exclusively breastfeeding at six weeks. He also stated that a longitudinal study was done on the babies of these mothers for a year.
“Most importantly, and perhaps most significantly, what has consequences later on, is that babies who were breastfed, got more protein from their mommies; and at one year-old, were less fat,” he revealed, noting that they were less likely to become obese when they were older.
The UWI professor, who is the grandson of Dudley Grant, commended the work of the Dudley Grant Memorial Trust, which was also celebrating its 30th anniversary.
The conference was held under the theme, “Embrace Children’s Rights: Secure our Future,” ; and it coincided with the 30th Anniversary of the 1989 Declaration by the United Nations Convention on The Rights of the Child.
Onyka Barrett Scott, general manager of the JN Foundation, in delivering greetings on behalf of Earl Jarrett, chief executive officer of The Jamaica National Group, said that the Dudley Grant Memorial Trust should be commended for applying current theories of learning, teaching, and child development to solve problems in primary schools, especially those which catered to children who were being raised in less fortunate conditions.
“Your knack, to provide research-based publications to guide the sector, is enviable. Some of these publications included: training manuals, and teaching learning materials. And, as you look forward to another 30 years, we wish the Dudley Grant Memorial Trust continued success in all of its educational initiatives,” Barrett Scott said.

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JN Group introduces network of service clubs

The Jamaica National (JN) Group has introduced a network of service clubs to its members with the aim of encouraging members to work together to take action, which will improve their life and the lives of all Jamaicans.

Earl Jarrett, CEO of The Jamaica National Group, explained the role of the JN Circle to JN members, at a Corporate Area Circle Meeting, held at the JN Bank Half-Way-Tree Branch, recently.

“The JN Circle will provide an opportunity for our members to meet and to share interests,” he explained. “It is my hope that the JN Circle will agitate for change; assist in resolving issues; and find solutions to problems, such as: health and wellness; technology, and safety, among other areas.”

He outlined that in the JN Circle, “you will also take on troublesome issues; and identify solutions, which you can send through to me and the rest of the team; and, if necessary, through advocacy to the policy makers.”

The Jamaica National Group CEO said it was his vision that chapters of the JN Circle will be established in the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States of America, where other JN members, with similar interests, can come together and create a movement.

Explaining how the JN Circle will work, Chevanese Peters, project coordinator at the JN Foundation, said the Circle’s mandate was to network, advocate and build communities.

She outlined that the benefits of the JN Circle will provide members with the opportunity to build their network; benefit from empowerment training; leadership and capacity building; and its members will be exposed to JN representatives with subject matter expertise and resources.

“You must be volunteer minded… you must be passionate about your community; we want members who are honest, have integrity; and are accountable and upstanding in their community,” she explained about the attributes of prospective members.

Claudine Allen, member ombudsman, member relations and quality assurance executive at The Jamaica National Group, said that chapters have already been formed in Portland and St Thomas; and others will be rolled out in parishes across the country, in the coming months.

“The JN Circle will provide a platform for our members and customers to lead change in their respective communities and to improve lives,” she said.

Ms Allen also stated that through the JN Circle, members will have the opportunity to improve their bond with the organisation; build networks, with like-minded persons; and initiate sustainable projects to assist in the development of their communities.

The initiative is being led by the Member Relations team at The Jamaica National Group, in collaboration with the JN Foundation and JN member companies.

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Area Four Police Civic Committee Educational Trust Fund Scholarship Ceremony

Scholarship awardees with (seated from left) Sargeant Gillian Faulknor; Chris Hind, CEO, JN General Insurance; Onyka Barrett Scott, general manager, JN Foundation; Wayne Wray, chairman, Area 4 Police Civic Committee; Senior Superintendent Steve McGregor, Operations Officer for Police Area Four; Superintendent Tomielee Chambers, police Area 4 Community Safety and Security Division and Andrea Whyte, markets manager, KPMG Jamaica.

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100 Students Benefit from Scholarships

It was a proud moment for some 100 students who were recipients of scholarships presented by the Area Four Police Civic Committee Educational Trust Fund.
Lehana Osbourne from Ardenne High School, who was receiving the scholarship for the fifth time around, was elated to be again named a recipient.
“I feel honoured, because I tried my best to get this scholarship for the fifth time around; and I’m happy, because I have made my mother proud,” she said with pride.
Lehana was among the 100 students who were presented with the scholarships at a  ceremony, held at the Police Officers Club in Kingston, recently.
Onyka Barrett Scott, general manager of the JN Foundation, who was the guest speaker at the ceremony, encouraged the students to grasp the opportunities afforded by the scholarship.
“Do you believe that you are special? Yes, you are because not many of us get this opportunity,” she pointed out. “It is a big deal when you were selected to receive this scholarship because it is taking a lot of stress off your parents; as they don’t have to worry about financing your education and can focus on pushing you to excel.”
Mrs Barrett Scott cautioned the students to be focused and continue to work hard; as they concentrate on studying and learning. She underscored that it was important to remember their humble beginnings, as this will keep them grounded.
She also encouraged the parents to support their children, as they embark on this journey by being involved parents. This involvement means that they should check the homework and ensure that assignments are done; that their children are punctual for school; attend parent-teacher meetings; and most of all, being their child’s biggest cheerleader, she stated.

Wayne Wray, chairman of the Area 4 Police Civic Committee, said that the concept behind the establishment of the Trust Fund was to target 12-18-year olds in the inner city, who were deemed to be at risk of dropping out of school and becoming easy prey to criminal elements.

Mr Wray said the Education Trust Fund was a result of a partnership between the police and private sector companies with the primary object to foster good relations and open conversation between the Jamaica Constabulary Force and members of the public in the Corporate Area.

“We often hear about operations to fight crime; but little do we hear about policemen and women who care about our communities so much, that they care about our children,” he said.

Established 19 years ago, the Education Trust Fund has awarded more than 1,200 scholarships to more than 500 students, to assist with their tuition, fees and books at 50 high schools in Kingston and St Andrew.

The following corporate donors: JN Foundation, JN General Insurance Company, KPMG, CGM Gallagher, and Trans-Jamaica Highway Limited among others, made the scholarship ceremony possible.

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Breast Cancer Survivor, Michelle Robinson, says “Her Faith and Family Support Make Her Push On”

The love of her family, her faith and the inner strength to keep living for her three children, made Michelle Robinson relentless in her fight against breast cancer, a diagnosis she received a year ago.
The 36 year old said that she knew something was wrong when she started to feel a pain in her left breast, which she ignored at first, however, the pain persisted.
“It was on Mothers’ Day and I was with my eldest son. We were watching a movie and I felt the aches,” she related during a #JN PowerofPink Think Tank Session:  Beyond Breast Cancer: Stories of Survival, on Miss Kitty LIVE ON Power 106, recently.
The educator said that on further self-examination, her fears were confirmed. “Later on, I decided to squeeze it, and I saw this brownish discharge emerging from one of my nipples. It was a shock for me, I held my son and started to cry.”
However, it was after visiting her doctor and doing an x-ray that she received the formal diagnosis. She had stage two breast cancer. That meant the cancer was growing and had extended to the nearby lymph nodes.
“I was devastated by the news, but, at the same time, because I know how God works, I decided to ‘take it to the Lord in prayer’ and that has been my mantra since the diagnosis,” she related.
She broke the news about her illness to her family members, who were downcast; and she realised that she had to be strong for them, as well. “The diagnosis was like a curve ball, but I was determined to keep batting,” she said.
Michelle immediately commenced her treatment, which involved surgery to remove the left breast and chemotherapy nine months later. She said the chemotherapy brought on nauseous feelings, loss of her eye lashes, hair, loose bowels, discoloured nails, and left a metallic taste in her mouth. So far, she has done 16 chemotherapy sessions and hopes that at her next doctor’s visit she will not have to do any more treatment.

However, the diagnosis forced her to change her lifestyle. An introvert by nature, whose life simply involved going to work and home, Michelle decided that she would start enjoying life, therefore, she began to participate in activities which she enjoyed.
“I found a new lease on life. Occasionally, I would go out and play pool, and I started to look at life totally different. Now, I am more comfortable and at peace,” she said.
The loss of her hair was another stage of the cancer which she had to embrace. She opted not to wear a wig and accepted her baldness. That decision not only motivated her; but encouraged other women affected by the disease.
Michelle was also forced to change her diet. As a result, she reduced her sugar intake; increased eating fruits and vegetables; as well as, eliminated red meat, processed foods and alcohol, in her diet.
“It was life changing,” she related, “One had to make so many changes, and it was not for one month or two months, but for a lifetime, and the change was immediate.”
But for Michelle, her journey has been bearable, because of her faith in the Lord and the strong support from her family members, who have been ‘her shelter in the time of storm.’ She highlighted the close bond with her mother, Catherine Knight, who kept her persevering.
“We now appreciate each other so much more. The thing is that, we don’t know how long we will have with each other, therefore, one needs to embrace every moment you have together. Tell them you love them and hug them,” she said with a pensive look.
“When you are faced with so many challenges being diagnosed with cancer, if you don’t have that support, it will make you give up easily. But, when you have support, it will make you press on,” she informed.
On learning about her daughter’s illness, Ms Knight said she was shocked. But, as the shock wore off, she supported her daughter, the last of her four children.
Last year, 974 women were diagnosed with breast cancer in Jamaica. Data from the Jamaica Cancer Society also revealed that approximately 60 per cent of breast cancer cases diagnosed in Jamaica are among women between the ages of 25 and 59 years.
The #JN Power-of-Pink Think Tank Session was the second in a three-part series of conversations about breast cancer, which was part of The Jamaica National Group’s campaign to raise awareness about how to prevent breast cancer and educate them about the symptoms, early detection and treatment.

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Trelawny gets hurricane supplies

Mayor of Falmouth, Councillor Collin Gager, is taking the 2019 Hurricane Season very seriously, as he stocks up on hurricane tools, and prepares residents in the event of a disaster.

“Our biggest fear here in Falmouth is flooding. Therefore, we need to ensure that we take the proper precautions, in the event there is a hurricane, we are prepared,” he said.

Gager informed that the Trelawny Municipal Corporation was cleaning drains and replenishing its hurricane supplies, which include equipment to cut down trees, shovels to clean drains and blockage, among other resources.

“What would happen if we were to receive the amount of rainfall which fell in The Bahamas? It would be something to reckon with. Therefore, we need to be prepared. We must ensure that our staff and disaster coordinators are well organised and have the necessary tools,” he explained.

In response to the needs of the Corporation, the JN Foundation presented hurricane supplies, including saws, shovels, water boots and raincoats, to assist with its disaster preparedness.

“We are happy to assist in addressing the needs of the council by providing these essential equipment,” Onyka Barrett Scott, general manager of the JN Foundation, said at the handing over event recently.

Gager pointed out that over the years, the parish has been affected by flooding in vulnerable communities such as Wakefield and Troy.

“Therefore, we ensure that we do proper drain cleaning and clear the sinkholes, to allow water to run off. In addition, we also educate our people about the importance of keeping the sinkholes free and clear,” he said.

See the original article here!

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JN Group, IDB Offer Rainwater Harvesting Training To Developers

In a bid to build local capacity to design and install a variety of water-efficient measures in the housing sector, the Jamaica National Group, in collaboration with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), has launched a 16-week training programme about rainwater harvesting and grey water recycling.

The training programme, which was officially launched on September 11 at The Jamaica Pegasus hotel, will benefit developers, architects, engineers, practising designers, and builders, as well as implementers of rainwater harvesting and grey water recycling systems.The training is being offered through the JN Water Project, which is being managed by the JN Foundation and was designed to address water-management issues, primarily related to climate change. The project, which commenced in March 2017, is a four-year collaboration among the JN Foundation, JN Bank, the IDB, the Climate Investment Funds, and the Pilot Programme for Climate Resilience.

Onyka Barrett Scott, general manager of the JN Foundation, said that the training initiative will seek to drive behaviour change in building practices and encourage a new approach to how we build houses to cope with new climate realities, particularly fluctuations in water supplies due to extended periods of drought.

“It is also aimed at householders. Whether we own the home or not, we are able to practise certain conservation measures at our places of abode, and the overall combination of those actions helps to promote a better response to climate change, which we are now facing,” she said.

Therese Turner-Jones, general manager and country representative for Jamaica at the IDB, said that it was commendable that the private sector was being engaged in this way through the training initiative.

“Bringing developers together on this particular issue and having JN and the IDB as partners on this project is significant because we are moving beyond the theory of why we need to be doing this,” she said.

Robert Stephens, consultant on the Water Project, said that the objectives of the training for participants are to develop an appreciation for rainwater harvesting and grey water recycling, identify characteristics and the mistakes that can be made, and identify how to avoid these mistakes in building out the systems.

He said that they will be taught how to design and implement rainwater harvesting systems, in addition to costing those systems. The training programme will also examine the components of rainwater harvesting systems, the water-saving devices that can be implemented by homeowners to save water, and factors that affect water quality and water standards.

The course will be delivered weekly via face-to-face sessions and online. The class sessions will be held from September to December.

See the original article here!

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Growth & Jobs | Be Financially Literate – Miller

Not being financially literate can be costly, Rose Miller, grants manager at the JN Foundation and head of the JN BeWi$e financial empowerment programme, says.

She noted that while there was no available data about the cost of financial illiteracy in Jamaica, information from the National Financial Inclusion Strategy (2016-2020) said financial literacy was low; and many Jamaicans do not understand some basic principles to better manage their personal finance.

In 2012, a demand-side financial capability survey was implemented by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) in partnership with the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). That survey revealed that while the level of financial literacy among Jamaicans is comparable to persons in other countries in most areas, there is room for significant improvement.

For example: in basic financial knowledge, in terms of the time value of money; identifying and calculating the impact of interest compounding on savings; and behaviours, such as short-term money management.

Miller emphasised that “being financially illiterate can be expensive, because not only will you not see opportunities, but others who do will not hesitate to take advantage of your ignorance.”

She added that poor money management leads financially illiterate persons to pay exorbitant interest fees to “payday lenders” with high interest rates.

That was the case of Gary Gregory (name changed on request), a communication specialist who found himself in a financial bind and needed a quick loan to address an emergency.

“It was the beginning of my nightmare,” Gregory lamented. “I ended up paying three times what I borrowed because the interest rate was ridiculous. I wished that I had read the fine print prior to entering into such a loan agreement.”

However, Tanya McKenzie (name changed on request), who was more exposed and financially literate, was able to save thousands of dollars when she decided to purchase a refrigerator she needed with her credit card, rather than taking it out on hire purchase.

“I would have paid triple the cost if I went the hire purchase route, instead of using my credit card to make the purchase,” she informed. “It took me two months to pay off my credit card, as opposed to 18 to 24 months, had I opted for hire purchase.”

Miller commended McKenzie for her prudent financial decision, pointing out that this was an instance of someone using their credit card wisely.

She advised, “That access to credit cards represent funds loaned to you by a creditor to make purchases and pay the bill at a later date. You can avoid paying interest and racking up a debt, which you will later struggle to repay, by paying your bill in full, on time, all the time.”

Miller also explained that it was important to select the right credit card, one which is suitable for your needs; in addition, one should read and fully understand the terms of the agreement.

“Utilising a credit card helps you save your money and use funds loaned to you; it is also a good tool in cases of emergency,” she added.

However, Miller noted that being financially literate takes some effort. She said each person should seek to improve their knowledge about financial matters, such as: investing and the various options available, estate planning, how credit cards work, credit scores, saving for the future, real estate, insurance and planning for retirement, among others. “This area is as wide as the ocean,” she quipped.

“Do not attempt to understand all of these topics at one time,” she added. “Rather, tackle one topic at a time and be committed to continuous learning. Start with the subject you are most interested in learning about; and, then move on to another, and another, and gradually build a solid foundation of financial know-how.”

Some other practical ways to improve financial literacy, she stated, would be to take a financial literacy class, which could be a short course about how to manage your finances, watch videos and access many other financial resources online.

Miller informed that today, the media is also a great source of information to improve one’s financial IQ. “Persons can learn effective money management strategies from local radio and television programmes; through print media; and online, via financial websites.”

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MSMEs Urged To Invest In Stocks To Generate Wealth

Rose Miller, grants manager, JN Foundation, has urged entrepreneurs to take responsibility for their financial education as this would improve their capacity and broaden their options for investing in areas such as stocks and mutual fund while diversifying their investment portfolio and increasing their potential to generate wealth.

Miller, who also heads JN BeWi$e Financial Empowerment Programme, was one of the presenters at the Business Mentorship and Accelerator Programme Workshop hosted by JN Small Business Loans (JNSBL) at the St James Methodist Church in May Pen, Clarendon, recently. The workshop focused on financial planning, record keeping, marketing and cash flow management, goal setting and preparing business plans.

“Approximately 15 per cent of Jamaicans own stocks and shares. Unfortunately, that figure is low because investing in stocks can be a game-changer to help you on your journey towards financial independence. However, many persons do not invest because of ignorance or fear,” Miller said.

“We need to take time out to increase our knowledge and learn about the various investment options that are available. Listen to radio programmes, read books or articles in the newspapers, watch videos on YouTube, all of which will enhance your knowledge about investing and enable you to be more comfortable about these types of investments,” she said.

She added that entrepreneurs who are unsure of how to invest, should speak with a broker or an investment adviser, who will guide them through the process and decide which approach and what type of investment is best for them.

“Some of you may not have the time, or are afraid of the risks associated with purchasing shares directly. The alternative is to open an account with an investment firm, such as JN Fund Managers, who employ trained professionals to manage the funds on your behalf via their suite of mutual funds. When you invest in mutual funds, you actually have ownership in several of the companies listed on the stock exchange,” she explained.

The grants manager told participants that they should take advantage of opportunities presented by initial public offerings, as this is a good entry point to start building your portfolio. However, investors must be prepared to wait for gains, which sometimes may not materalise until the medium or long term, although it is possible to get some appreciation in the short term.

“For example, if you had invested in Wigton WindFarm shares, when it was offered at 50 cents per share, you could have made at least 25 per cent on the sum you invested,” she said. “If you had bought the Sagicor Select shares for $1, you would also have seen some appreciation. By not investing in stocks, you are missing out on significant opportunities to generate wealth.”

Jacqueline Shaw-Nicholson, communication and client services manager, JNSBL, explained that the workshop was hosted as part of a wider programme to provide financial-management support to its clients.

“The Mentorship and Accelerator programme is part of JNSBL’s thrust to provide meaningful support and training to our clients, to assist them to sustain and grow their businesses,” Shaw-Nicholson explained.

“MSMEs (micro, small, and medium-size enterprises) require support throughout their business journey. The support required will depend on where they are in their business life cycle. The clients at the May Pen workshop received well-needed guidance about good business and financial management techniques for growth, and how to market, as well as keep, proper records,” she said.

Shalena Collins, a sandal maker, said that she benefited from the information that was presented.

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