
Engineers urged to develop more climate smart homes

Engineers, who lead major housing development projects, are being urged to construct climate smart and resilient homes and buildings in Jamaica, by implementing water adaptation measures, such as water harvesting systems and water efficient fixtures.

Cicyln Joseph-Johnson, senior project manager at The Jamaica National Group, made that recommendation in her address to participants at Engineers’ Week 2018, which was held by the Jamaica Institution of Engineers (JIE), at the Knutsford Court Hotel in Kingston, recently.

Joseph-Johnson’s presentation focused on the Water Project Jamaica, a four- year venture, which is being implemented by the JN Foundation, in collaboration with JN Bank, the Inter- American Development Bank (IDB) and the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR)

“Climate change and its impact are realities,” she stated. “The greater part of the impact is water, when we get floods, droughts, or hurricanes, which are significant. It is getting hotter and drier; sea levels are rising; and, there is positive proof that our people need to adapt measuresto address climate change.”

She argued that “the change” is impacting the island’s water supply and distribution systems that are challenged by inconsistent supplies, which she said, underscored the need for implementing water adaption measures.

In regard to the measures, Joseph-Johnson informed that, “for large construction developments, you may want to look at grey water harvesting; and storing more water, which can be re-used,” noting that a study conducted by the National Water Commission (NWC) revealed that 40 per cent of indoor water use in homes is used to flushtoilets and only five per cent for cooking and drinking.

The senior project manager said that the Water Project, which is the first of its kind in the Caribbean, will assist Jamaicans to adapt to climate change and implement measures that will result in more efficient use of water.

She said the project has two components, with the first being a loan facility, which is being administered by JN Bank, for the integration of water adaptation measures in Jamaica housing sector; and, the second element focuses on technical assistance and sensitisation.

“The loan component is based on the on-lending of funds from the IDB, which JN Bank will, in turn, lend to consumers, specifically developers and householders, to purchase devices that can improve water efficiency,” Mrs. Joseph-Johnson informed, noting that the loan offer, through the bank, will come on stream shortly.

Meanwhile, JN Foundation, the administrator of the project, will carry out public sensitisation sessions; and, conduct “demand and baseline studies,” which in the future will inform other projects of this nature in the Caribbean.

“The JN Foundation, through the project, will build capacity by training persons to understand how to install water devices; and create opportunities for entrepreneurs who market these devices,” Joseph-Johnson relates.

Other activities to be implemented under the project will include: a climate change summit; a pilot study on water efficiency baseline; and the development of a water adaptation guide.

Engineers’ Week, which was partly sponsored by JN Bank, was held under the theme “Engineering our Future through Celebrating our Heritage.”


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How to make your hobby into a business

Most young people will readily admit that making more money is one of their top priorities.
One smart way of doing so, according to Rose Miller, who is also head of the JN Foundation’s Be Wi$e financial empowerment programme, is to monetise one’s hobbies and talents.

“Having an additional income stream can assist in balancing your budget at the end of the month and provide additional funds, which can be saved and invested to achieve your financial goals,” she states.

The best way to do this, she said, is to spend time doing something you love and would be willing to do for free.

“A hobby is an enjoyable activity; therefore, expanding it as a ‘side business’ is achievable, as you would be doing something that you are passionate about. Additionally, you will gain satisfaction from seeing others enjoy the products or service you produce, and the income earned from your skill will make a significant contribution to your financial security,” she added.

Miller, who is also grants manager at JN Foundation, pointed out that the first step is to, “Ask yourself, what do I love to do and how can I make money from that venture?

“I’d recommend that you at least select something that you will enjoy, because if you don’t enjoy your side hustle you’re far less likely to maintain it. Therefore, selecting something that you are passionate about is the first step,” she advises.

Hobbies that could potentially be monetised and turned into businesses include painting, woodwork, catering or baking, web design, gardening, writing or editing, singing, sewing, graphic design, public speaking and photography.

“Literally anything that provides value to others can be a potential side hustle, and all of these skills can be quite profitable if you learn how to make them work for you,” she maintains.

“If you are a songbird, your musical skill will always be needed at special occasions or on the entertainment circuit. You could also be an occasional after-dinner guest at hotels and large restaurants,” Miller says. “If you like to bake or cook, then this is also a great way to bring in some extra income. Meals are always needed for special occasions. Promote your culinary skills by providing samples of meals you are good at preparing to friends and family.”

Once the skill or talent to be monetised is identified, the next step is to do some research.

“The Internet is a great resource. Take a moment and Google, ‘How to Make Money Doing ‘X’, and I guarantee you’ll find a plethora of information to guide you along your way,” she points out.

She also recommends listening to what is known online as side hustle podcasts and blogs, which include sources such as the “Side Hustle Nation”, “Entrepreneurs on Fire”, and “Smart Passive Income”.

“These podcasts highlight people who are using their hobbies to make extra money. Many have successfully moved their project from being a side hustle to becoming a legitimate business, and they are earning real income from doing something which they are passionate about,” Miller highlights.

Next is promoting yourself, to ensure that potential customers know about you and the product or service you offer.

“A great tool to use is social media,” she states. “Chances are you have hundreds of friends on social media who are, in turn, friends with hundreds of others. Upload pictures or videos of what you can do. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp have millions of users around the world; therefore, you can effectively reach a wide audience, at no cost to you, or you can monetise your exposure at a very low cost,” she advises.

Miller points out, too, that another skill some people will need to master in order to create a successful second income stream is how to manage their time.

“Most of us are completely drained after our full-time job. therefore, you will need to be creative when it comes to carving out time for your hobby without taking anything away from your day job,” she says.

“Perhaps you’ll need to wake up an hour or two earlier than you’re used to and get some things done prior to going to your regular job. Alternatively, it could also mean going to bed a few hours later so you can spend time working on your passion. You could also solicit the assistance of your friends and family members to get more accomplished.”

Finally, she recommends that people treat their side hustles or hobbies like legitimate jobs.

“If you want this hustle to become your main source of revenue one day, or at least a sustainable second stream of income, then you should give it the attention it deserves.

“Carve out time to work on your hobby; read about the industry; learn about sales and marketing, and dedicate yourself to steady improvement. That is how you will achieve positive and rewarding results,” Miller says.


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Jamaicans Should Invest More In Their Financial Education

With the growing sophistication of financial markets and a rapidly increasing array of financial products and tools, it has become necessary for persons to invest time in their financial education, Grants manager at the JN Foundation, Rose Miller, who leads the Foundation’s empowerment programme, posits.

“For example,” she pointed out, “with governments in many countries pushing to improve financial inclusion, the number of people with bank accounts and access to credit products is rising at a faster pace.”

“Furthermore, changes in the pension landscape now places more decision-making responsibility on persons who previously relied solely on their employers or governments for their financial security after retirement,” she added.

The situation is compounded, she added, by the low level of financial literacy among Jamaicans.

“Financial education is important for everyone. No matter where you are in life, you need to take time to invest in yourself and seek to improve your financial IQ,” she stated.

According to the Standard & Poor’s 2015 Global Financial Literacy Study, only 33 per cent of adult Jamaicans are considered financially literate.

Financial literacy is defined as the convergence of financial, credit and debt management and the knowledge that is required to make financially responsible decisions which are integral to our everyday lives.

Miller said that financial literacy is a core skill which all Jamaicans should work towards developing and honing. She explained that it impacts the daily decisions which an average family makes when trying to balance their budget; purchase a home; fund their children’s education or ensure their personal income at retirement.

The subject also includes understanding how a chequing account works, knowing what using a credit card really means, how to avoid debt, and the importance of a good credit score.

The Standards and Poor’s 2015 survey on financial literacy also noted that financial ignorance carries significant costs. The ratings company noted that consumers who fail to understand the concept of compound interest spend more on transaction fees, run up bigger debts, and incur higher interest rates. They also end up borrowing more and saving less money.

… ‘Avoid The High Cost Of Financial Ignorance’

Grants manager at the JN Foundation, Rose Miller, concurred with the Standard and Poor’s 2015 Global Financial Literacy Study relating to Jamaica, noting that the potential benefits of financial literacy are manifold. She said that financially literate people are more in touch with their finances, and are therefore able to make sound financial decisions based on knowledge and facts rather than on hearsay or a simple hunch.

“They recognise when they’re getting sound financial advice, as opposed to foolish advice. They are also able to decipher and navigate their way through the myriad of financial information that faces them,” she related.

Miller further pointed out that financial education is important as it enables persons to maximise their income.

“Financially savvy people are also able to invest wisely. They are more likely to diversify risk by spreading funds across several ventures. They’re also able to spot opportunities that will help them to advance themselves financially and attain financial security,” Miller explained.

Always More To Learn

She further advised that no matter how much you think you know about the financial world, there is always something else to learn.

“When it comes to financial literacy, you never really complete the learning curve. Therefore, commit time to your financial education every single day, because the area is as wide as the ocean and is constantly changing. Many persons have grasped some of it, but there’s really so much more information out there that you can access,” she noted.

Standard and Poor’s noted that only about one in three adults demonstrates a clear understanding of basic financial concepts, and most people are unprepared to deal with rapid changes in the financial landscape. So how does one improve financial literacy?

Miller suggests taking advantage of the wealth of information readily available online.

“YouTube is a good resource for information. There are countless videos online that can help you raise your financial IQ. You can also subscribe to online newsletters, such as and, which provide a wealth of information. Also, there are several financial literacy seminars that take place across Jamaica annually. Look out for those opportunities and take advantage of them,” she related.

The JN financial empowerment officer also recommends that persons read at least four books on the subject per year.

Some titles she suggests are: The Automatic Millionaire; Raising Financially Confident Kids; Think and Grow Rich; Rich Dad, Poor Dad; The Richest Man in Babylon; The Handbook of Personal Financial Planning and Start Late Finish Rich.

“There are numerous books with easy-to-understand information out there. Many of these books are available online; therefore, we have no excuse to remain uninformed. And in the final analysis, there is too much at stake; hence, you should take responsibility for your financial education and avoid the high cost of financial ignorance,” she maintained.


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JN awards 37 scholarships to GSAT high performers

KINGSTON, Jamaica — The JN Foundation says that it has awarded five-year scholarships to 37 students, in recognition of their outstanding performance in this year’s Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT).

The awards mark the 35th year since the inception of the JN Scholarship Programme in which hundreds of students, including some at the tertiary level, have benefitted, financial institution JN said in a release on Sunday.

Maureen Duckie, a shopkeeper of Sevens Road in May Pen, pointed out that she was grateful for the scholarship award to her daughter, Jada Duckie, who scored 98.8 per cent in the GSAT, JN stated in the release.

“I can’t thank JN enough for the scholarship, because I was able to purchase her books and uniform to go back to school. It was an answer to my prayer. I’m feeling so good about it. God bless JN,” she is quoted as saying.

Jada received the second highest score in the parish of Clarendon, which earned her a place at Glenmuir High, the school of her first choice. Like her mother, she is happy to be a scholarship recipient.

“I cannot believe that I had done so well to receive a scholarship. Leading up to the GSAT I didn’t sleep comfortably because I was petrified by the sound of gunshots, which I heard frequently. I’m so honoured and thankful. I know a lot is expected of me and without a doubt, I will continue to work hard to make my parents proud,” she stated.

Grants manager at the JN Foundation, Rose Miller, explained that the JN Foundation welcomes the opportunity to fund the scholarships, annually.

“We believe that funding education is an investment in our people, and by extension, in our country. Empowering our young people to achieve academically is a step in the right direction to assist us to achieve the National 2030 Vision of making, ‘Jamaica, the place of choice to live, work, raise families, and do business.’ And, these students will soon be at the forefront of the development of our country. Therefore, our aim to do all we can to nurture their minds and to equip them to become successful citizens.”

She noted that with the renewal of the GSAT scholarships annually, more than 100 students at the secondary level; and 16 students at the tertiary level, attending The University of the West Indies, the University of Technology, Northern Caribbean University, and the University College of the Commonwealth, receive assistance to pursue their studies.

This year’s GSAT parish scholarship recipients are: Anastasia Fraser, Ashleigh James, Domonick Lewis, Erica Stewart, Gabrielle Brown, Harshita Relwani, Jada Duckie, Jahalia Troupe, Jo’anna Hill, Joshanne Smith, Kyona Cunningham, Reneé Henry, Theresa Whyte, Tomoya Allen, Trev-Ann Cameron and Vashti Tracey.

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‘Inzzpiring’ Difference 365

American Philosopher, William James, advised, “Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” Accepting this charge and doing just that in unique fashion, is what Lashlawnda Bailey has done. Here is her ‘Inzzpiring’ story.

The founder and jewellery creator of Inzzpire 365, told Outlook, that “for as long as I can remember, making things came naturally, whether it’s poetry, a skirt, some drawing, practicing calligraphy – I’ve always been doing creative stuff”.

Bailey, however, didn’t dabble in the pleasures of wearing jewellery until 2003, while attending teachers’ college. Coordinating necklaces of varying hues and shapes to complement her uniform, became a pastime for the student. But the stylish gesture had her wondering, “Why buy jewellery when I can make them myself?” She put her hands to creative use, constructing a few for her friends. Pretty soon, she was selling to those who expressed interest in the designs, and it was through this practice, that she was able to replenish her supplies. “I started teaching and my co-workers began making requests, so I started selling to them as well. Jewellery eventually became therapy for me. Every time I was feeling down, I would go to it; when I needed money, it would be my safety net,” Bailey confessed.


Inzzpiring Change

So when it came to choosing between the two passions in 2015, Bailey left teaching. Investing in her talent made the most sense, and in December 2016, the company officially began operations.

“Jewellery-making basically saved my life. I was severely depressed. Just having my hands trying new things, opened up a new world. I came up with interesting designs and persons loved them,” she elaborated. That’s when she decided to take the jewellery business to another level.

“I was searching for purpose in my life. I found hope. I found a reason to live. So, I felt like I needed to inspire others and give them hope. If I could reach other persons by way of my jewellery, then that would bring some satisfaction to me, and it would feel like I was changing lives.”

According to the craftswoman, the jewellery she makes is different from popular ones on the market, because her pieces are timeless.

So if you’re looking to ‘doll up’ for a party, opting for a casual look for the road or seeking to accentuate your look for the office? Inzzpire 365 has it all.

With all the competition, Inzzpire 365 also aims to inspire.

“We bring hope to people because we let them know they have a reason to go on. Through working with the Social Enterprise Boost Initiative (SEBI), we have been able to cement our mission by allowing persons access to organisations that can help them with depression, suicidal thoughts, and other mental issues. As part of our mission, we are also working with a partner to pay for counselling sessions for persons who cannot afford them.”

Husband and business partner, Kevin Miller added, “The more we share our story, the more people will see what and who we are and the more people will support us. The fact is, people are very interested in the social mission aspect that we offer, it empowers the business.”


Overcoming Challenges

Having built their business solely out of pocket, Bailey and Miller initially faced financial challenges. But, they credit the JN Foundation/USAID SEBI project, for coming to their aid, as well as providing guidance for business structure and record keeping issues.

“Prior to the accelerator programme, we were part of the open network, and we were lucky to be invited to a number of workshops that were specific to business; and being a part of the accelerator programme has been a major benefit. We were selected for the project’s trip to Silicon Valley for knowledge exchange, and they are in the process of acquiring equipment on our behalf. They offer opportunities for networking. They allow us to connect and make sales. We participated in the SEBI Booth at Expo Jamaica this year, and last year, we were at the Buy Social Fair at US embassy.”


Silicon Valley

The once-in-a-lifetime chance to visit Silicon Valley, gave Bailey, what is a rare opportunity for many local businesses – to consider how they would exist in a global economy.

“It gave me time to think and made me realise that what I am doing with Inzzpire 365 can extend beyond Jamaica. There are persons who are faced with mental-health challenges throughout the world and I should not limit my thinking to just Jamaica. I should also remember I have a mission-based business and need to stay true to that all throughout. Also, if I am a social entrepreneur, I should always think social – and ask myself ‘What else can I solve? What other innovation can I come up with to solve social issues?”

In the future, the Inzzpire 365 team hopes to increase awareness of their products and mission, as well as continue to acquire tools and the equipment necessary for the expansion of their business.

For more information on how to get your hands on their jewellery collection, or how to join the movement, you can find Inzzpire 365 on Facebook and Instagram: @inzzpire365, visit their website:, or call: (876) 798-4430-1


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Celebrating water bill reduction

Beneficiaries of JN Water project cite savings, longer showers


Staci Ann Williams, a resident of Portsmouth in Portmore, St Catherine was constantly faced with high water bills; however, today she is happy that the bill is moving in a positive direction, after she installed a high-efficiency shower head received from JN Bank under JN’s Water Project.

Williams, who lives with her extended family of 11, said that her family’s water bill was usually $15,000 to $16,000 monthly. However, with the installation of the device about three months ago, the bill has come down by approximately $2,000 per month.

“I received the kit from the Water Project team back in February, which included a high-efficiency shower head and a device for the face basin pipe, as well as the kitchen sink. I only installed the shower head and it works,” she shared.

“Imagine if I had installed the other two devices! The impact on my bill would have been far more positive,” she related.

Williams said that she is now in the process of getting her plumber to install the other two devices.

Similarly, Clinton Gordon, a resident of Berkshire Court in Spanish Town, St Catherine is now enjoying longer showers without the worry that his water bill will skyrocket. This, after he installed the high-efficiency shower head under the Water Project.

“We live in an area where the water pressure is usually low, but since I have installed the shower head, the pressure seems higher and I actually feel that I have taken a good shower; and no longer need to worry that the water bill will be high,” he said.

Gordon said the device was installed seven months ago, and that he has seen a reduction in his monthly bill.

“My water consumption meter was at five in January when the device was installed. It has now been reduced to three, resulting in a moderate reduction in my water bill,” he explained.

Gordon said he has shared the news with his family, neighbours and friends. “I told everyone. It is something I think more persons should consider exploring,” he said.

For Monique King, who lives with two siblings, washing dishes has become fun, and there is no hassle in getting her siblings to perform the chore.

“The dishes are being washed as my brothers now like to use the kitchen pipe, as there is a gentle spray, which feels good on their hands,” she said.

King, a resident of Havendale in Kingston, said that she installed both the high-efficiency shower head and the device for the kitchen sink. She is now saving about $2,000 per month when compared to her previous water bill.

“My landlord has shown interest in the devices and he plans to encourage his other tenants to use them to decrease their water consumption and in turn their water bills,” she related.

The water-efficiency devices were contributed to Gordon, Williams and King by the JN Water Project in an effort to encourage more people to practise water conservation by installing efficient devices at home.

Onyka Barrett Scott, acting general manager of JN Foundation, is impressed with the testimonials and noted that the organisation partnered with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR) to seek meaningful solutions to water conservation through the four-year project which seeks to help Jamaicans adapt to climate change and to implement measures that will result in more efficient and cost saving use of water.

“The results from the installation of the devices are testament that, if we make a conscious effort to be conservative, we can reap positive results,” she said.

Over time, the JN Water Project will provide other members of the public with water-efficiency kits as a part of its awareness and visibility efforts. The bank will also roll out a specially designed loan that Jamaican householders and developers can access to install several water-efficiency devices including low flush toilets, energy saving washing machines, dishwashers and rain water harvesting systems.

The bank’s guide to water use efficiency can be accessed at


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Tips for Last Minute Back-to-School Shoppers

With the new academic year scheduled to start in just a few weeks, back-to-school preparations are in full gear, and most parents may have almost completed their shopping.
However, if you’re one of those parents who believe that the summer break went by too quickly, and you’re now far behind on your preparations, the key is not to panic, but to start the process immediately. And, while you’re working with limited time, you are still in a position to take advantage of deals, and save on the cost of books and other school supplies for your children.
Rose Miller, grants manager at the JN Foundation and head of the JN Bank BeWi$e financial empowerment programme, pointed out, that while she strongly advices against last minute shopping, the reality is that some persons will find themselves ‘behind the eight ball,’ when the time comes for back to school preparations.
However, she noted that whether they’re starting out early or late, the principles to carry out your back-to-school shopping remain the same.
“Your first objective is to prepare a list of needs, and prioritise them, dealing with the most important items first; a budget should then be prepared. Uniforms and textbooks should generally be at the top of the list,” she stated.
If funds are tight and you’re unable to buy all the books at once, Mrs Miller advised parents to speak with their child’s teacher to ascertain which of the books are most essential right now, as opposed to those that can be purchased at a later date. “In this way you will be able to ensure that your child has the most important books for the first few months of the school year,” she reasoned.
The JN Foundation grants manager added that when purchasing text books, parents should do their research, shop around, and try to access books, at the most affordable prices.
“Use the telephone or go online; and, you won’t waste time and gas driving around from store to store,” she advised. “Also, it is still not too late to ask friends and relatives to help you source used textbooks.”
Mrs Miller also recommended that saving for back-to-school expenses is critical, to ensure that parents effectively maximise their dollar; and that they are able to save on costs, by taking advantage of existing supplies in stock at the end of the school year.
She noted that parents should have been saving for back to school months ago. “This is one of those expenses that you know will come up months in advance. Once you have a child who is of a certain age, you know that your child will need school supplies, therefore, back to school expenses should not be something that creeps up on parents,” Mrs Miller maintained.
However, she noted that many parents do find themselves in a financial quandary at this time of the year; and advised that to supplement their budget; they should explore the possibility of accessing the various grants and scholarship offers, which are often available.
“You would need to make an early start in your back-to-school preparations, to take full advantage of those offers, as the application deadline for most scholarships would have been long gone,” she indicated.
Mrs Miller also pointed out that there are many book drives and back to school fairs that take place at this time of year and those are some of the options that parents can use to supplement their back to school budget; and secure books and other school supplies for free or at a minimal cost.
“Persons can also access sundry loan offers, which are now available at approved financial institutions; however, parents need to ensure that they are using these credit facilities wisely,” she explained.
Mrs Miller also advised parents to buy quality products, so that they last a long time thus reducing the need to purchase the same items each term. “Items like lunch kits, school bags, shoes, igloos and textbooks can last a long time once they are cared for properly,” she said. 
Latoya Halstead, communications director at the Consumer Affairs Commission (CAC), also advised parents to ensure that they check electrical appliances and electronic items, such as tablets and computers prior to leaving the point of purchase. 
She explained that in the event that a person purchased a defective item, the Consumer Protection Act (CPA) provides for the replacement of the item, or a full refund if a replacement item is not in stock.
“This is why it’s important to retain your receipts at all times,” she said, noting that, “If a consumer changes his or her mind, and no longer wants an item, the CPA does not provide for redress in this situation. It is solely at the discretion of the vendor.”
Miss Halstead also suggested that when purchasing textbooks, parents should check for damage, such as: missing pages; and, verify that the book is the correct edition, author and publisher.
She also recommended that to compare costs, persons may access the 2018 Textbook Prices on the CAC’s website at using the Price Enquiry Tool.
Contact: Athaliah Reynolds-Baker l JN Corporate Communications

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Why Young People Should Establish and Monitor their Credit History

Rose Miller, grants manager at JN Foundation, advices that even for young people, who are starting out in their careers, knowledge about the credit reporting system is essential, as it will eventually affect their future employment and access to credit.
“It’s imperative that young people pay close attention to their credit history, as unpaid financial obligations will end up on their Credit Report, negatively impacting their credit rating for many years,” she stated.
Mrs Miller, who is also head of the JN Foundation’s BeWi$e Financial Empowerment Programme, advised that knowing how credit scores and credit reports work is, therefore, an important part of one’s overall financial education and responsibility.
“Even if you have no immediate plan to acquire a Credit Card, a mortgage or auto loan you should know that prospective employers and landlords may check your credit rating to determine whether they will hire you, or rent to you,” Mrs Miller pointed out.
What is a Credit Report?
According to the Bank of Jamaica (BOJ), a Credit Report represents a comprehensive credit profile of a borrower. That includes personal information such as the borrower’s name, Tax Registration Number (TRN), date of birth and a credit summary.
The credit summary comprises the credit accounts held by the borrower, whether those accounts are current or past due; and a record of recent credit enquiries made about the borrower.
Lenders examine a person’s credit history to assess their suitability for a loan, and a poor report can lead to much higher interest rates on loans, or refusal.
Mrs Miller explained that when one borrows money, whether through a revolving account, such as a Credit Card; or, an installment account – an auto or student loan, this data is collated by Credit Bureaus. Jamaica currently has three Credit Bureaus: the CRIF NM Credit Assure Limited, Credit Information Services and Creditinfo Jamaica Limited.
Data collated by these bureaus in a borrower’s credit file is used to calculate the individual’s credit scores. And, one’s credit score is determined by five major factors: payment history, debt balance, age and types of credit accounts, and the number of inquiries about the person’s credit history.
The JN Foundation grants manager informed that a credit score is a number that assists lenders to decide whether or not to approve a loan, and what types of loans to offer and at what rate. The score is computer generated after analysing details of the applicant’s borrowing history.
These scores are then used to determine the applicant’s risk factor for future loans.
“The higher the score, the better,” she informed. “Student loans, Credit Cards, late payments or unpaid loans and even mistakes listed on your report could result in a low score, resulting in your loan application being rejected.”
How to Apply for a Check Report
Mrs Miller advised that everyone should view their credit report at least once per year, as this is an important part of staying in touch with one’s financial profile. “This check is important to ensure that all the information contained in the report is correct. Any inaccuracies should be dealt with speedily,” she said.  
“Under the Credit Reporting Act (2010), all Jamaicans are entitled to see what information is contained within their credit profiles. Furthermore, every Jamaican over the age of 18 years is entitled to one free Credit Report each calendar year,” she informed.
To access a credit report, you are required to visit one of the three credit bureaus in Jamaica. You will need to complete a Consumer Credit Report request form; and submit the following documents: TRN; a valid government issued ID; and proof of address.
It takes up to 48 hours for the credit report to be delivered, usually by electronic mail. However, express service is available at the cost of $200.

How Well Do You Use Credit?

Good Use of Credit
 Check Credit Report and credit score regularly
 Use Credit Card responsibly
 Pays all bills by their due date
 Pay credit card bills in full to avoid paying interest
 Pay off high interest credits as soon as possible
 Acquire appreciating assets to create wealth

Poor Use of Credit
 Never check Credit Report or credit score
 Uses multiple Credit Cards
 Makes late payments
 Carries unpaid debts
 Carries balances higher than 35 per cent of total credit available
 Forced to cover emergencies with loans due to the absence of an emergency fund
 Ignores student and other loans or misses payments and deferment dates


Contact: Athaliah Reynolds-Baker l JN Corporate Communications

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Growth & Jobs | Jamaicans Urged To Support Social Enterprises

Opal Whyte, project manager for the Social Enterprise Boost Initiative (SEBI), a project of the JN Foundation and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), is urging Jamaicans to support social enterprise development by purchasing goods and services from the entities.

“Our objective at the JN Foundation is to stimulate the social enterprise sector to achieve leaps and bounds in growth. therefore, we need your full support to make this possible,” she said while addressing a SEBI Biz Mix Networking Session held at the Opa Greek Restaurant and Lounge at Devon House recently.

“I encourage you to support the Buy Social campaign simply by purchasing the products and services being marketed by an increasing number of companies in the social enterprise sector,” she appealed.

Whyte posited that on a regular basis, Jamaicans purchase products regularly like coffee, craft items, clothing and accessories without giving thought about the manufacturer of the products and who the operations benefit.

“Why not consciously support a business or social enterprise, which assists in keeping its profits in our communities and the wider Jamaican economy and, in turn, addresses the social and economic challenges being faced by persons, some of who are members of the deaf and the visually impaired communities?” she asked.

Supporting Whyte’s appeal, Tishauna Mullings, chief executive officer of NexxStepp Educational Services, a social enterprise that provides personal development and life-skills training, said social enterprises such as her organisation need the support in order to be profitable.

“SEBI is a revolution in the entrepreneurship space, so these social enterprises that are a part of SEBI, they are developing products and services that serve a social mission. So, it is not just about making a profit, but it is about making a difference and improving the socio-economic condition of our country,” she said.

Mullings said that already, NexxStepp Educational Services, which has been operating for six years in St Thomas, has been assisting to improve the literacy level of the parish.

“This is where our social mission lies,” she said. “It is a part of our mission to bring personal development and improve the literacy levels of the parish. We offer empowerment events, training and academic workshops all across Jamaica, but our social mission is in St Thomas.”

Seretse Small, founder of Avant Academy of Music, underscored the importance of getting local support for enterprises such as his.

“If you want to invest in the future of Jamaica, invest in social enterprises and their products and services. You are not only supporting Jamaica, but you are also enhancing a section of our industry that believes in quality in terms of making our country better,” he added.

Whyte said that the social enterprises have a unique trademark that is easily identifiable. “In fact, wherever you see the ‘Buy Social’ trademark, it signals that the business is a social enterprise. I urge you to support the social enterprise sector in your purchases,” she added.

To date, more than 60 social enterprises have benefited directly and indirectly from SEBI through training and participation in its business-development programmes and open network. As a result, participants have enhanced their operations, generating in excess of $120 million in revenue, and have employed more than 200 community members.



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Deaf Can! Coffee Opens New Cafe

Deaf Can! Coffee, a social enterprise company empowered by the Social Enterprise Boost Initiative (SEBI) of the JN Foundation, officially launched its E3 Cafe, located at the Caribbean Christian Centre for the Deaf on Cassia Park Road in Kingston, recently.

The E3 Cafe provides a spacious customised area and is an excellent location for business meetings, conferences and casual functions. The facility also boasts modern amenities, such as high-speed Wi-Fi access, a flat-screen television for presentations, and state-of-the-art coffee-making equipment.

The establishment was officially opened recently at a ‘sip n’ sign’ event held on the campus of the Caribbean Christian Centre for the Deaf.

Blake Widmer, co-founder of Deaf Can! Coffee, said, “The E3 Cafe, which stands for ‘engaging, equipping, and empowering’, is one means to provide job opportunities for members of the deaf community.

“We want to engage deaf young persons, in the process, to learn about coffee, acquire the skills to be a great barista, and know how to serve customers with the skills and confidence which will lead them to be empowered,” he said.

Widmer said that the cafe has a captive audience of some 50 students at the Caribbean Christian Centre for the Deaf and that members of staff would either be students at the school or past students who recently graduated.

“Deaf Can! Coffee’s growth can be attributed to several factors. One feature is primarily partnerships. This has allowed us to grow beyond our capacity. But, if we had to go out to purchase equipment and rent space … it would take a lot more capital investment and time. Therefore, what we have done is to partner with existing coffee shops and cafes,” Widmer informed.

Consequently, during the past year and a half, Deaf Can! Coffee increased its partnerships from one to 11 in Kingston and St Andrew, St Catherine, St Elizabeth and St James. Some of its outlets are located at the Embassy of the United States of America, Toyota Coffee House, Jake’s Hotel, Script Cafe, Jablum Coffee House at the NCB Towers, Morgan’s Creek, and Bookophilia. The company also operates a mobile unit.

“Another factor which contributed to our growth was the networking we built from the social enterprise community, primarily through SEBI and the JN Foundation. Through networking, we learned what they were doing, what worked for them, and we were able to build awareness about our products and services through the Buy Social campaign,” he explained.

Opal Whyte, project manager of SEBI, said that the new facility was another revenue stream for Deaf Can! Coffee.


“What we say to prospective clients is that they can use the power in their purchase to create change by supporting E3 Cafe. They would be satisfying their needs for a private meeting space with great coffee [and] excellent service, and their purchases would stretch beyond to impact the entire deaf community,” she explained.

For the past six years, through the JN Foundation and USAID, SEBI has mobilised investment, enterprise development, employment, and revenue, particularly in underserved communities across the country. SEBI has trained managers and employees to achieve efficiency and growth in their social enterprises by improving their core business competences, such as management and marketing skills.

As a result, participants have enhanced their operations, generating in excess of $37 million in revenue; created more than 15 new market-ready products and services; and have employed more than 100 community members. To date, approximately 24 social enterprises have benefited directly from SEBI through training and participation in its incubator programme.

SEBI is a joint initiative of the JN Foundation and the United States Agency for International Development.


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